These are the list of frequently asked question regarding PGSG and getting involved with the Government. If you have question which is not addressed here, please fell free to contact us at

  1. Become the senator for your department! Check HERE to see if your department currently has a senator, and if so don’t worry, there are plenty of other ways to get involved.
  2. Join a committee! We welcome and encourage ALL graduate students interested in getting involved to attend committee meetings and help organize and run PGSG events.
  3. Come to our senate meetings and give us your input! While each department has only one voting senator, PGSS welcomes input from ALL graduate students. Find our PGSG schedule: HERE

The PGSG budget is derived from Graduate Student Activity Fees. The budget for any given school year is approved by our Senate at the end of the prior spring semester. We strive to achieve transparency in our operations, and we maintain an open access web version of our budget since 2014 as well as the most recent Financial Handbook (starting 2017). Our PGSG Treasurer can answer questions regarding the financial operations of PGSG.

A list of senators by department can be found HERE. If your department does not currently have a senator and you would like to get involved, contact the Senate Chair ( for further information!

All agendas for Senate meetings and legislation reviewed are available for public view on our mainĀ Senate Page. You can also contact your program’s Senate representative to gain more information on PGSG’s current events.

Absolutely! PGSG and PGSS strive for transparency in our operations. Governing documents can be found on this page.