Reimbursement and GRAC


PGSG Reimbursement Procedures

PGSG: GRAC Reimbursement, Steps to Submitting for all Grant Documents

Reimbursement Eligibility

Use the lists below to help plan your expenses and reimbursement. For expenses not listed, contact the treasurer to check eligibility.

The following expenses are eligible for reimbursement:

  1. Conference/event registration
  2. Lodging (hotel, Airbnb, etc.)
  3. Transportation via airplane, bus, train, etc.
  4. Transportation via taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc.
  5. Transportation via personal vehicle or rental car (note: an RM01S form must be completed prior to travel)
  6. Food and non-alcoholic beverages
  7. Visas that expire less than three months after their purchase

*Note: In order to get these expenses reimbursed, you must submit the proper documentation outlined in the section below

The following expenses are NOT eligible for reimbursement:

  1. Membership dues for an organization
  2. Alcoholic beverages
  3. Passports
  4. Visas that expire more than three months after their purchase date
  5. Expenses unrelated to the purposes listed in the awardee’s travel or professional grant application. 
  6. Expenses listed under the name of another person or shared expenses unless you have contacted the treasurer and received approval and instructions before you travel or make the purchase.

Required Documentation

As you plan your trip and/or make purchases, make sure to save the proper documents and receipts which contain all necessary information listed below. Failure to produce the documentation listed below may result in a delayed reimbursement or ineligibility for reimbursement!

General Documentation:

  1. Proof of attendance, select one of the following:
    1. A copy of your name tag that includes your name, conference name, conference location, and year
    2. Certificate of attendance from conference organizer that includes your name, conference name, conference location, and year
    3. An E-mail from your advisor confirming your attendance that includes your name, conference name, conference location, and year
  2. Exchange rate for non-US dollar (USD) currencies (only if purchases were made in a foreign currency),
    select one of the following:
    1. A bank or credit card statement showing amounts in USD
    2. A screen shot from or showing the exchange rates each day a purchase was made.
  3. Information on how you covered the expenses:
    1. If you paid using a personal credit card, we need an image of your credit card statement containing the expenses. 
    2. If you paid using departmental funds/credit card, we need the department account number to which we should make the reimbursement. The Concur system cannot be used to reimburse a department from PGSG funds. 
  4. Explanation of shared costs:
    1. Required if a receipt (hotel bill, meal ticket, etc.) is under someone else’s name.
  5. Valid receipts for each purchase you wish to be reimbursed for that meet the following requirements:
    1. All receipts must show a date, the name of the company/person paid, and a statement that the award recipient paid the amount claimed. This will typically include the amount actually paid (distinct from the line showing the total charge), and (usually) an indication that the remaining balance is zero. Receipts that do not clearly show proof of payment will not be accepted.
    2. All receipts show an itemization of charges.
    3. Receipt language requirement: PGSG does not require that receipts be printed in the English language. However, you should be aware that reimbursements may be delayed while PGSG obtains an English language translation of the receipt from an independent source.

*** Note that some expenses have specific documentation requirements for reimbursement. These are listed below.

Documentation for Specific Expenses

  1. Hotel, Airbnb, or other lodging expenses
    1. Receipt must be itemized. PGSG cannot reimburse incidental changes or in-room meal service.
    2. Important note: Some hotels refuse to provide an itemized checkout receipt if you purchase your hotel room through a travel service such as Expedia. You may utilize travel services to find lodging, but take the few extra minutes to make the reservation directly with the hotel.
    3. If your lodging expenses will be shared with another person, you must contact the treasurer ( before you travel.
  2. Transportation
    • Airplane/bus/train/etc.
      1. The receipt must explicitly show that the claimed expenses were paid. An invoice, or quotation of costs is not  sufficient. The document should show the amount paid.
      2. For all  airline travel: collect images of your boarding passes to submit with the receipt.
      3. PGSG can cover costs for travel directly to your event from Lafayette and for travel directly from your event back to Lafayette. PGSG expects your air travel to be between Chicago or Indianapolis and the commercial airport nearest to the location where your event takes place. If your travel plans require that your air travel be between locations other than these, you must contact the PGSG treasurer before you book your flight. Failure to do so will result in PGSG not reimbursing you for your air travel.
    • Taxi/Uber/Lyft/ect.
      1. E-mailed receipts from Uber and Lyft are acceptable as long as they contain all necessary information outlined in the section above.
      2. Tips is excess of 20% of the fare will not be reimbursed.
    • Personal vehicle
      1. Must complete an RM01S form prior to travel to be reimbursed for parking and gas.
      2. PGSG can reimburse mileage using the federally approved rate OR gas receipts
      3. PGSG can reimburse parking cost with a standard receipt including location and date.
    • Rental vehicle
      1. Must complete an RM01S form prior to travel to be reimbursed for parking and gas.
      2. PGSG can reimburse the cost of a rental vehicle with the final receipt from the rental company.
      3.  PGSG can reimbursed gas receipts, but NOT for mileage on a rental vehicle. Gas receipts must show date, time, location, and odometer reading (total mileage on the vehicle) on the rental car at the time of gas purchase.
      4. If you plan on renting a more expensive vehicle, contact the PGSG treasurer before you make the reservation.
      5. PGSG can reimburse parking cost with a standard receipt including location and date.
  3. Food and beverage
    • The receipt must be itemized, clearly indicate you paid the amount indicated, and include the location and date of the purchase.
    • PGSG will not pay per diem. Receipts are required for reimbursement.
    • All food reimbursements must be for the award recipient ONLY. If the receipt includes food for other persons, please clarify (indicate on the receipt) the food that was for you. If the food was purchased by someone else, documentation is required to clarify which expenses are your responsibility.
    • Tips in excess of 20% will not be reimbursed.


Have Questions about our Reimbursement Process?
Reach out to our Treasurer for more info @