PGSG response to COVID-19
PGSG Response to COVID-19 
Originally published on Mar 15, 2020
To Our Grad Student Body;
Due to the recommended precautions being put into place at Purdue University, PGSG will be cancelling all of our upcoming in-person events for the remainder of the spring 2020 semester. This includes: Big Grad Day of Service, Graduate Student Appreciation Week (GSAW), Spring Grad Student Picnic, Pint Nights, and other related events. In light of this news, we want to thank everyone who has helped plan, volunteered at, and attended our events this year; we could not have accomplished what we have without you!
While we are deeply saddened that we can no longer put on these events that our members have worked tirelessly to prepare and that have only grown in success over recent years, we want to continue to serve the graduate student body as best we can. We remain actively engaged with Purdue upper administration to voice and advocate for graduate student and graduate staff concerns. Furthermore, our PGSG senate will still meet remotely over the coming weeks and we encourage you to continue contacting your senators and executive board members with questions and concerns.
Please refer to the official university COVID-19 website ( for the most updated information on university policies. Please note that COVID-19 related questions/concerns not already addressed on the website FAQ are best directed to Finally, please continue to follow the CDC’s guidelines ( to help protect yourself and others, such as washing your hands frequently and socially distancing yourself during public activities.
We hope everyone stays safe as we continue to work together through these unprecedented times.
Your Purdue Graduate Student Government
PGSG Senators:
Executive Board: